Tuddu – “to teach”
Tuddu – “to teach”

Tuddu – “to teach”

Tuddu means to teach by speaking, by writing (e.g., on a blackboard), by showing (e.g., pictures)

Tumuddu, “Teach”;

Muntudtuddu, “he (she) goes on teaching,” 

Muntuddu, “teacher”;

Mangituddu, “person who actually teaches something”;

Nituddu, “it is (was) taught”;

Tudduwana nan inap-apuna [cf. under apu], “he (she) teaches his (her) grandson (granddaughter)”;

Ituddunay baki [q.v.], “he teaches the ritual invocations and prayers”;

It also means to point

Ituddum ke ha-on di kallanan [cf. under ala(h)], “show me where your forest lies”;
Tudduwom di manuplit ke he-a, “show the one who shall whip/ whips you”; 
Amtudtuddu, “index finger,” used instead of lodlodong [cf. under lodong].

Conjugation in the Present Tense:

As a verb, tuddu may or may not use an object of the action in a sentence.

1st Person: Muntudduwak – “I teach”

1st Person dual: Muntuddu ta – “We teach”

2nd Person: Muntuddu ka – “You teach”

3rd Person: Muntuddu hiya – “He/She teaches”

1st Person plural inclusive: Muntuddu taku – “We teach” (We, including you)

1st Person plural exclusive: Muntuddu kami – “We teach”  (We, excluding you)

2nd Person plural/2nd Person singular (formal): Muntuddu kayu – “You teach” (also used in the imperative)

3d Person plural: Muntuddu da – “They teach”

Conjugation in the Imperative form

The verb here always implies an object of the action which may not always be mentioned in the sentence.

1st Person: Tudduwak – “I teach (him or her)”

Tudduwanak – “Teach me.” – Here, the object is the first person.

1st Person dual: Tudduwanta – “Let’s teach (him or her)” 

2nd Person: Tudduwam – “Teach (him/her)”

3rd Person: Tudduwana(h) – “He/She teaches (him/her)”

1st Person plural inclusive: Tudduwantaku – “Let’s teach (him/her/them)” 

1st Person plural exclusive: Tudduwanmi – “We teach (him/her/them)”  

2nd Person plural/2nd Person singular (formal): Tudduwanyu – “You teach (him/her/them)” 

3d Person plural: Tudduwanda – “They will teach (him/her/them)” – Here, for a more exact translation, we have to insert “will”  because Tudduwanda is an action with intent that is about to happen.

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